Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday, May 23rd 2008

Click,, clack.....that's me walking up the steps here to my proverbial (and virtual) soapbox, known these days as a "blog". It's been a long time coming, getting here that is, and friends, neighbors, even random people in the streets have been encouraging me to give it a go. In a way, I guess you could say it's taken all my life to get here, but I did have to wait for my good friend Al Gore to invent the internet before I could take my rants truly public. (My stint as a radio personality not-withstanding).

Ok, so, now that I'm here, what's next? I guess we'll figure that out together as I go along, but the thing of it is, I'm 45, a newly single dad of a teenage boy, stuck in a town I don't like, living in a crooked house (more about that later) and dealing with all that life has to throw at me. Basically, I'm pretty much just like everyone else and as Rosanne Rosannadanna always says: "It just goes to show you, it's always something!"

1 comment:

lady esenem said...

I'm very proud of you for finally finding your way here and making a go of it. I hope it is what I wanted it to be for you... A place to air your feelings with the hopes of giving you some relief so you can begin to heal.

Lady Esenem